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Dr Aakansha Zala

Endocrinologist, MBBS, FRACP

Dr. Aakansha Zala is an Endocrinologist with a special interest in women’s health and thyroid disorders but is experienced in all areas of Endocrinology. She is currently completing her PhD in Graves’ disease immunology hoping to develop new treat options in this area. She is a senior lecturer at University of Queensland and is a member of the Endocrine Society of Australia, The Australian Diabetes Association, and the US Endocrine Society.

“I am passionate about providing personalised treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs. Education is a cornerstone of my practice, and I believe that well-informed patients are empowered to take an active role in their healthcare journey. I strive to ensure my patients receive the most up-to-date and evidence-based treatments available. Building a strong, supportive relationship with my patients is a priority for me.”

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